How to Find a Real Estate Investing Mentor

Many successful investors have credited a mentor who has provided them guidance, shared their experiences, and helped them avoid common pitfalls. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of having a real estate investing mentor and provide you with actionable steps to find the right one.

If you're considering starting your journey into the world of private real estate investment, you'll find a wealth of information available. 

Real estate is a timeless asset class, and as an investment can be a powerful wealth-building strategy, but it's not without its complexities and challenges. 

To navigate this efficiently, many successful investors have credited a mentor who has provided them guidance, shared their experiences, and helped them avoid common pitfalls. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of having a real estate investing mentor and provide you with actionable steps to find the right one.

Why You Need a Real Estate Investing Mentor

Before diving into the search for a mentor, let's understand why having one is crucial in your real estate investment journey.

1. Clear Direction for success

One of the most significant advantages of having a mentor is gaining access to a clear path to success. 

With so many paths and information, a mentor can help you get clarity on specific goals, create a step-by-step plan, and provide you with the guidance needed to achieve those goals. 

With a mentor by your side, you'll have a roadmap that outlines your real estate investment journey, making your path to success more defined and attainable. A mentor's experience allows them to identify potential roadblocks and offer solutions, helping you avoid unnecessary detours on your way to achieving your real estate investment objectives.

2. Accelerated Learning Curve

One of the most significant benefits of having a mentor is the accelerated learning curve they offer.

As Charlie Munger teaches us “One of the best ways to learn from mistakes is to learn from the mistakes of others. Learning from others' mistakes is cost-free. Other investors lose money as well, so you don't have to learn the same lessons with your own money.

Real estate investment involves a complex web of strategies, market trends, and legal intricacies - and given these number of variables, there are lots of things that can go wrong. 

A mentor can distill years of experience into actionable insights, helping you avoid costly mistakes.

3. Networking Opportunities

In the world of private real estate, connections are paramount. Relations with attorneys, brokers and  property management teams are critical to your success in private real estate.

A mentor can introduce you to valuable and vetted contacts, including real estate agents, investors, and industry experts. These connections can open doors to opportunities you might not have discovered on your own.

4. Guidance Through Market Fluctuations

Real estate markets can be unpredictable, with various factors influencing property values and investment strategies including interest rates and investor confidence. 2022 and 2023 saw one of the fastest rate hiking cycles in US history, leading to lots of distress in commercial real estate markets.

Fixed Mortgage Rates in the United States

While no one has a crystal ball, a seasoned mentor can help guide you through market fluctuations, teach you how to adapt your approach to different economic conditions and ensure you stay in the game for the long term.

5. Accountability and Support

Embarking on a real estate investment journey can be daunting. It takes reps and sets to be successful, and a mentor can provide you with the accountability and emotional support you need to stay focused and motivated. 

For example, finding your first deal may take calling dozens of brokers, and reviewing 100s of opportunities - and many newer investors in real estate might give up quickly. But success often goes through a place called failure, and mentors have been through the ups and downs and can offer valuable encouragement as you find your footing in the industry.

How to Find the Right Real Estate Investing Mentor

Now that you understand the importance of a mentor, let's delve into the steps to find the perfect one for your real estate investment journey.

1. Identify Your Goals and Needs

Before seeking a mentor, clarify your goals in real estate investment. Are you interested in residential properties, commercial real estate, or real estate syndications

Understanding your niche and long-term objectives will help you find a mentor with relevant expertise who has done what you’re looking to do.

2. Leverage Online Resources and Social Media Platforms

The internet is a treasure trove of information and networking opportunities for aspiring real estate investors. 

Join online forums, social media groups, and real estate investment websites. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and connect with experienced investors who might be willing to mentor you.

BiggerPockets is one of the most well-known names. Since 2004, they've been creating educational resources for aspiring and experienced real estate investors. 

Real Estate Mentors

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can be valuable tools for finding mentors. Follow and engage with prominent real estate investors in your area or niche. Share your own insights and experiences to establish credibility and attract potential mentors.

3. Attend Networking Events and Join Investment Clubs 

Networking events, seminars, and conferences are excellent places to meet potential mentors. 

Look for local or virtual events related to real estate investment in your area. These gatherings provide a platform for networking and building relationships with experienced investors.

Consider joining a local real estate investment club - many of these groups will give you access to deal flow to learn and communities to learn from.  or associations to le. 

These clubs often host regular meetings, workshops, and networking events. Being part of such a club can help you connect with mentors and like-minded individuals who share your passion for real estate investment.

For example, the Goodegg Investor Club is a community of investors – both accredited and non-accredited – who want the benefits of real estate investing but don't want to deal with the tenants, termites, and toilets.

Goodegg Investor Club

4. Seek Referrals and Explore Workshops

Ask your network of friends, family, and acquaintances if they know anyone involved in real estate investment. Personal referrals can lead you to mentors who are not only experienced but also trustworthy and compatible with your goals.

Invest in your education by attending real estate investment workshops and seminars conducted by experts in the field. These events often provide opportunities to connect with potential mentors who are passionate about teaching and sharing their knowledge.

5. Find Online Mentorship Programs

Consider enrolling in online mentorship programs specifically designed for aspiring real estate investors. These programs often pair you with experienced mentors who can provide personalized guidance and support.

There are a growing number of Capital Raising Programs that offer newer people to the industry a chance to be part of the General Partner and management team of deals, which is often a fast way to get a seat at the table in bigger deals.

6. Reach out to Potential Mentors

Once you've identified potential mentors, don't hesitate to reach out and add value immediately to get their attention.

Successful people in real estate will likely have people reaching out to them all the time, so you need to differentiate yourself. Find something they care about and make an effort to provide something valuable, unique or expected.

7. Don’t Ask Them To Be Your Mentor

Asking people to be in a ‘mentoring relationship’ with you can appear strange and often come off heavy handed. Instead, ask for their advice on a specific problem you’re having - they go execute on their advice and come back and tell them what happened.

Mentors want to work with people that can get things done and showing them you are one of those people will help build trust and a relationship. 

After that, go back a second time with a specific problem and ask for their advice. This is the relationship you’re looking for and you now have a mentor. 


Finding a real estate investing mentor can be a key step in accelerating your journey toward financial success and expertise in the real estate market. 

Whether you're interested in residential properties, commercial real estate, or real estate syndication, a mentor can provide invaluable guidance, accelerate your learning curve, and help you navigate the complexities of the industry.

Remember that it’s a two-way street - you need to provide value too. While you benefit from their experience and knowledge, your mentor should also benefit (even if it's just the satisfaction from helping someone passionate about real estate investment succeed). 

Be proactive, patient, and persistent in your search for the right mentor, and you'll be well on your way to achieving your real estate investment goals. 

About the Author

Andy Crebar

Andy Crebar is the Co-Founder & CEO of GP Flow which is on a mission to unlock the potential of commercial real estate.

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